Server Requirements

Requirements Result
Redis Redis extension is installed
Database file Success
Database Connection Success
PHP v.8.1.31
PDO PHP Extension Enabled
cURL PHP Extension Enabled
OpenSSL PHP Extension Enabled
MBString PHP Extension Enabled
GD PHP Extension Enabled
Zip PHP Extension Enabled
exec Enabled
shell_exec Enabled
allow_url_fopen Enabled
ffmpeg 5.1.6
Cron - Nudity Detection / Compressing Videos or images Cron not running which means the videos cannot be moderated or can't be compressed. Please check the documentation
Memory Limit 1024M

Admin Portal Config

$baseurl= "";
define("status" , "live");
define("API_KEY" , "156c4675-9608-4591-b2ec-xxxxxx");

Android App Config

public static final String BASE_URL= "";
public static final String API_KEY= "156c4675-9608-4591-b2ec-xxxxxxx";

IOS App Config

var BASE_URL = ""
let API_KEY= "156c4675-9608-4591-b2ec-xxxxxxx"